
What can upgrading do for you?

The modifications consider the addition of dual-fuel manifolds with water-injection capability, including metering, shutoff valves, boost skid and controls update as needed.

  • Easily switch between fuels for increased site power-generation flexibility.
  • Enhance profitability by switching to a cheaper fuel depending on market conditions.
  • Increase power output using the water-injection capabilities.
  • Switching to gas fuels lowers NOx emissions.
  • Gas fuels also have higher power outputs.
  • Can be used on multiple controls systems.

How we get you there

For adding gas fuel capabilities:

  • A dual fuel manifold with water injection consisting of two liquid fuel manifolds, a gas manifold, and 30 dual fuel nozzles
  • Gas fuel compressor (off-package)
  • Coalescer/dehumidifier and/or a filter/scrubber skid (off-package).
  • A fuel-metering valve
  • Gas shutoff valves, check valves, and vents

For adding liquid fuel capabilities:

  • A liquid fuel forwarding skid with a 2’’ pipe customer connection with 5 psig flooded suction (off-package)
  • Fuel filtered to 10 μm absolute (off-package)
  • Two liquid fuel manifolds, hoses, and fuel nozzles added onto engine (on-package).
  • Simplex liquid fuel boost skid (off-package)
  • A duplex low-pressure filter skid (off-package)
  • Fuel metering valves (on-package)
  • Liquid fuel shutoff valves, check valves, and return fuel lines (on-package)

Both liquid and gas fuel conversions involve installing connections to customer fuel connections (flanged outside main base) and changing the fuel manifolds. Controls software logic and HMI changes will also be needed.


Contact us

Contact us for a quote on LM2500 gas to dual-fuel upgrades.